Impunity Watch
Impunity Watch is an international non-profit organisation working with victims, survivors and communities affected by violence to deliver redress for grave human rights violations, uproot deeply ingrained structures of impunity, and promote justice and peace.
We advocate for the voices of victims to be meaningfully included in the design and implementation of policies that advance victims’ rights for truth, justice, reparations, as well as guarantees of non-recurrence. We promote local actors’ active involvement in transformation after violence and abuses, and we also support informal initiatives that complement formal transitional justice mechanisms.
Impunity Watch currently works in Central America, the Middle East and North Africa, the Great Lakes region of Africa, and the Western Balkans. We have presence in Guatemala and Burundi, and our headquarters are in The Hague, The Netherlands.
We conduct comparative research on priority themes relating to overcoming impunity and build international partnerships and coalitions to fight impunity and transform justice. This in turn contributes to our international advocacy work.