- Rijswijk, Nederland
- 19 februari 2024
Senior Digital4Development expert met meer dan 20 jaar ervaring, gespecialiseerd in ontwikkelingsprogramma's met speciale aandacht voor jeugdwerkgelegenheid, landbouw en onderwijs. Ik heb verschillende landschaps-, haalbaarheids- en basislijnstudies en evaluaties in meerdere landen uitgevoerd. Expertise in projectmanagement, technische ondersteuning, M&E-diensten en capaciteitsopbouw aan ontwikkelingsprogramma's/organisaties. Ik heb een opleiding in economie en bedrijfskunde. Mijn meest recente opdrachten omvatten project management van een meerlandenprogramma (7) in het versterken van land governance actoren voor GFA / GIZ (e-Learning & cross-country kennisuitwisseling), een Haalbaarheidsstudie voor een € 80 miljoen investering van KfW, AFD en de EU in digitalisering in het technisch onderwijs in Kenia (ICT-infrastructuur, digitaal transformatiebeleid, het opbouwen van digitale vaardigheden, de ontwikkeling van digitale inhoud van CBET-curricula, systeemverbetering), projectadviseur digitalisering voor het GIZ Rural Youth Employment Programme en het projectmanagement van een e-Governance haalbaarheidsstudie in Pakistan voor KfW.
Team Lead for Strengthening land governance actors & networks knowledge-exchange and capacity development (e-Learning) in the GIZ Global Programme Responsible Land Policy in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Niger and Uganda (bi-lingual). Including budget management, preparation ToRs and evaluation of consultants
Quality control of the development of additional modules of the GeSchool Management Information System for 20 TVET centres in Togo (preparation ToR and evaluation consultant selection, training, user testing and role-out).
Landscape analysis Digital Governance (eGovernment, eParticipation and Data Governance) in Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Pakistan, Philippines and Sri Lanka for the SNGA network Governance & Digitalisation of GIZ.
Development and facilitation of a blended course in interoperability of digital agriculture for agriculture extension staff and partners in IFAD supported projects contextualised to several regions (West Africa, East and Southern Africa, North Africa and Near East)
Feasibility Study for KfW, AFD and the EU for digitalization in TVET in Kenya (ICT infrastructure, digital transformation policy, digital skills building, digital content development of CBET curricula, system improvement).
Technical Support to IFAD Malawi via the Digital Advisory Support Services for Accelerated Rural Transformation (DAS) Program for ICT4D activities within IFAD-financed programs.
Needs Assessment for a digital legal case management system for legal NGO supported by GIZ EnACT project in Zambia.
IATI Publication Partos - Technical Assistance to Partos (a Dutch umbrella NGO) in the publication in IATI (International Aid Transparency Initiative, which provides an open data standard) of the Innovation Hub project for reporting to the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Team Lead Feasibility Study for Digital Governance Project in Khyber Pakhtuntokhwa province (KP) to support the digital transformation (based on mapping existing initiatives and stakeholders, a gap analysis and an investment proposal for selected projects) to prepare the investment case for KfW/BMZ.
Team Lead Assessment of digitalisation with a focus on agricultural systems of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Region in order to review and analyse the status of digitalization in the agriculture sector and related systems (policies, regulations, digital strategies, digital economy, D4Ag solutions, D4Ag actors and digital agricultural skills in universities and colleges).
Team Lead for VET Toolbox (EU / GIZ) in the development and application of a digital maturity model for SMEs in Ghana for Northern Ghana Vocational and Technical Association (NGVTA) and to develop and apply a Digital Maturity Model for Cambodian MSMEs for the Youth Entrepreneurs Association Cambodia and GIZ.
– Evaluation of the program “Technological platforms to strengthen public sector accountability and citizen engagement” – role as digital expert in a multiple country context to evaluate the contribution of the different technologies in achieving results in citizen participation in decision making in 7 projects in 12 countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, DR Congo, Egypt, Guatemala Indonesia Jordan, Mali, Morocco, Nepal, Nicaragua and Tunisia). Specifically responsible for the case study in Maly of an artisan union (quantitative and qualitative analysis, including cost-effectiveness of the programme)
Project advisor digitalisation for the country programmes of the Rural Youth Employment Programme in Burkina Faso, Kenya, Malawi and Mozambique. Technical Assistance to the programme to develop a digital strategy, to support business development (business models / evaluation of start-ups), and to identify, assess and mainstream the implementation of relevant digital tools for agriculture and food.
Policy advice on digital inclusion for the Digital Agenda for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation. The assignment includes a landscape analysis of digital inclusion in policies globally (including the EU policy on Digital4Development) and a review of stakeholders engaged in the advocacy for digital inclusion of women, their activities, and potential existing alliances.
External evaluation of the “Akvo Data to Decision programme. Performance evaluation of the data to decision programme of AKVO in the WASH and Agriculture sector (18 countries). D2D focuses on the development of the ‘data journey’ (Design, Capture, Understand and Act based on data). Part of the evaluation was on RSR (IATI publications), Open data portals and Data Sharing.