In het Onderwijsmuseum te Rotterdam worden op 16 november meer dan 100.000 handtekeningen aangeboden aan de heer Wepke Kingma, Hoofd Bureau Afrika van het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken.
Er wordt gediscussieerd over het Nederlandse beleid op onderwijs en kinderarbeid. Daarnaast wordt er een indrukwekkende fototentoonstelling geopend over kinderarbeid in Marokko.
Voor het volledige programma klik hier
On the 16th of November the campaign STOP Child Labour – School is the best place to work will hand over a large number of petitions against child labour to Wepke Kingma, Head Bureau Africa Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs on behalf of minister van Ardenne for Development Cooperation. Simultaneously a photo exhibition on child labour in Morocco will be opened in the National Education Museum in Rotterdam.
There are still 246 million child labourers worldwide. If child labour is not eradicated, the millennium Development Goal of attaining universal primary education in the year 2015 will not be achieved. The campaign STOP Child Labour – School is the best place to work pleads for the coordination and integration of Dutch policy on the matter of education and the elimination of child labour in developing countries.
An important campaign standpoint is that the provision of full-time, quality education is a prerequisite for the elimination of all child labour.
Two representatives of our partners in Morocco and India will open the afternoon program by sharing their experiences and discussing the goals and challenges of the fight against child labour. Following this introduction a panel discussion will be held on the development of Dutch policy on child labour and education. The program is concluded by a short introduction to the photo exhibition and the official opening thereof. Enclosed you will find the afternoon program.
To register you can send an e-mail with your name and organisation to
On behalf of India Committee of The Netherlands (ICN), the Dutch Teachers' Union (AOb) and the Dutch Federation of Trade Unions (FNV).