This short documentary tells the story of Mae La, a temporary shelter along the Thailand-Myanmar border which has been a home to over 40,000 refugees for more than 30 years. The film presents an updated situation of the camp, which has been out of media spotlight, through personal conversations with its inhabitants. This project is a semi-longitudinal work over a 4-year timespan, produced under artistic and ethnographic context. Capital of Mae La aims to trigger valuable conversations around the situation of Karen refugees and many other displaced groups who are affected by the long term conflict.
With among others:
- Belle Phromchanya: Director ‘Capital of Mae La’, designer and filmmaker
- Jiraporn Oil Laocharoenwong: Researcher ‘Capital of Mae La’ and lecturer at faculty of Political Sciences, Chulalongkorn University
- mw. dr. C.H. (Tina) Harris: Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen)