This project is initiated to further strengthen the Africa-EU Strategic Partnership programme by mobilising the considerable potential (capital, knowledge and networks) of the huge African diaspora in Europe to play a valuable bridge-building role in the process. The timing of the project is very significant. The results of the activities of the project are intended to formulate a common diaspora voice and a position on the Joint Africa-EU Strategic Partnership. This common diaspora position will be presented, in the form of a policy report, to the government of Sweden during its EU presidency in the second half of 2009. It will also be presented at the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) which will be held in Athens in November 2009.
Additionally, this project will take a step further by identifying diaspora organisations already working on the 7th Partnership of the Action Plan. More specifically, the project will showcase how they can actively contribute to the practical implementation of the Partnership in the areas of democratic governance and human rights, migration, mobility and development. Furthermore, the project will undertake activities both in Europe and Africa that will facilitate the practical collaboration between diaspora organisations and key stakeholders active in the areas outlined above in both continents. The active mobilisation of diaspora organisations in Europe in the implementation of the Partnership programme is critical as the diaspora are now in a better position to contribute to the overall development of Africa.