The consequences of the financial crisis for the Netherlands and other Western countries have been widely debated in the media. On the other hand, the negative implications for developing countries have not received much attention, while it is the poorest countries that are hit hardest by the global downturn. The financial crisis has far-reaching consequences for people in developing countries. Fast increasing unemployment rates, decreasing remittances and high food-prices are just a few examples.
How does the crisis affect the feasibility of the Millennium Development Goals? Is it still possible to make progress in times of crisis? Or will decreasing aid budgets lead to a new debt crisis in developing countries? These and other questions will be discussed during this year’s Symposium.
The Symposium offers a broad program for 250 students and Young Professionals from different study disciplines. The day will start with an opening-speech by Ewoud Goudswaard, head of ASN Bank.
Afterwards, students will participate in one out of the ten masterclasses that will be given by experts from organisation such as ICCO, Oxfam Novib, Niza, Clingendael Institute, Hivos and the Tax Justice Netword. These masterclasses will each focus on a specific consequence of the financial crisis for developing countries. Students and Young Proffessionals can subscribe to one of the master classes (English or Dutch), work hand in hand with various experts from business and NGOs, politicians and scientists, and provide advice to Dutch politicians on how to mitigate the negative impact of this Western crisis on developing countries. Interested? Check the website!
At the end of the day, these recommendations will be presented to a panel of experts from the financial and development sector and a Dutch Member of Parliament. The winning group will get the opportunity to offer all the recommendations that were formulated in the ten masterclasses to Mr.Koenders, the Dutch Minister for Development Cooperation.
Learn more about the different master classes and subscribe now at Click on the banner to be forwarded to the website of the Student Symposium!
Date: Saturday 28th of November
Time: 10.00 – 18.00 UUR
Venue: University of Amsterdam
Price: € 10, – (Incl. lunch and drinks