Micro-management — Dilbert today pic.twitter.com/t6p8pl76b2
— Robert Went (@went1955) October 1, 2017
Variaties van kapitalisme
Is capitalism at a crossroads? There are signs that the entire system is up for discussion https://t.co/6bwMaTYQ3Q
— Robert Went (@went1955) October 1, 2017
‘Indien Nederland zo veel weet te verdienen zou het dat geld moeten gebruiken voor consumptie en investeringen.’ — @PeterdeWaard in @volkskrant pic.twitter.com/qSrvMDauks
— Robert Went (@went1955) September 29, 2017
To most of Germany, the hagiography of bootstrap capitalism is not just morally wrong; it’s incomprehensible https://t.co/7ZydP3FZd2
— Robert Went (@went1955) September 28, 2017
Inequality makes growth less sustainable, IMF says – @pdacosta on Business Insider https://t.co/pDA59vCCv9
— Robert Went (@went1955) September 26, 2017
Is Nederland immuun voor het Piketty-scenario? Wat gelijker lijkt blijkt schijn te zijn — Casper Thomas in @DeGroene https://t.co/mzKQFLCwOJ
— Robert Went (@went1955) September 27, 2017
Flexwerken fnuikend voor een ontluikende kinderwens bij vrouwen, blijkt uit onderzoek @statistiekcbs — @rtlz — https://t.co/eVyza0LI8L pic.twitter.com/Pc3060OO0l
— Robert Went (@went1955) September 27, 2017
‘If you want to be an innovative country, you have to give people security so they dare to take risks’ https://t.co/HFN6uLB8LL
— Robert Went (@went1955) September 28, 2017
Asshole survival is a craft, not a science: A Stanford psychologist on the art of avoiding assholes https://t.co/qeWuqDyj3B (ht @azeem)
— Robert Went (@went1955) October 1, 2017
Worrying Scientist Interviews — Xkcd — https://t.co/G25qFjrK0c pic.twitter.com/YMRQTQos4e
— Robert Went (@went1955) September 27, 2017
How Big Banks Became Our Masters — @RanaForoohar https://t.co/5UnPNz9Hw0
— Robert Went (@went1955) September 28, 2017
Eurozone trilemma
Het trilemma voor de eurozone – ‘We willen een heel kort tekstje bij een infographic met het trilemma van @rodrikdani voor de eurozone?’, mailde @rhkleinknecht. Staat nu in @ESBtweets pic.twitter.com/0s9pLNmRBi
— Robert Went (@went1955) October 3, 2017
IMF en ECB: lonen omhoog!
IMF to World’s Central Banks: Don’t Ignore Your Economies’ Weak Wage Growth https://t.co/FbheJGjqFt
— Robert Went (@went1955) September 29, 2017
Why the ECB wants unions to increase wage demands
https://t.co/NxWeK7FA0S— Robert Went (@went1955) September 28, 2017
Globalisering niet altijd goed
Despite conventional wisdom, globalization is not always good — American Economic Association blog https://t.co/JaPjAhI1qB
— Robert Went (@went1955) September 29, 2017
Emotionele arbeid
Emotional labor is the unpaid job men still don't understand: Women Aren't Nags, We're Just Fed Up https://t.co/qHZ7U4HITp
— Robert Went (@went1955) September 30, 2017
verGooglisering en publieke waarden
Ik zie een soort ver-Googlisering van de maatschappij, waarbij wij compleet zitten te slapen. De vraag is vervolgens: wie komt er op voor publieke waarden in de digitale wereld? — Bart Jacobs interview op @FTM_nl https://t.co/laJSjv889x
— Robert Went (@went1955) September 30, 2017
Kunstmatige intelligentie (AI)
UN to open ‘Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics’, a headquarters in The Hague (in The Netherlands) which will monitor developments in artificial intelligence (AI) https://t.co/L6cq8cfCX5
— Robert Went (@went1955) September 30, 2017
As data-driven algorithms increasingly underpin the design of new products in medicine, transport and infrastructure, biased training data are not just awkward oddities, but deadly flaws https://t.co/AUtxdBuaxz
— Robert Went (@went1955) September 30, 2017
Het belang van nationale staten
Why nation-states are good: The nation-state remains the best foundation for capitalism, and hyper-globalisation risks destroying it — @rodrikdani https://t.co/pO7QKGn6ap
— Robert Went (@went1955) October 2, 2017
Longread toekomst economie [ENG]
Corporate takeovers? Let’s talk about the future of our economy — Longread by @hellahueck and me now also in English https://t.co/ANfS5fWYFJ
— Robert Went (@went1955) October 1, 2017