Kick-off naar 75 jaar ontwikkelingssamenwerking. Wat deden we daar en wat vraagt de toekomst? NICC Event 2 oktober 14.30 – 18.00, Nationaal Archief, Prins Willem-Alexanderhof 20. 2585 BE Den Haag Uitnodiging voor event: Kick-off naar 75 jaar ontwikkelingssamenwerking...
The world is out of balance. Those who have the most money and are most responsible for the climate crisis, are affected the least. Meanwhile, those countries and communities who are most affected often have to go into unimaginable debt to keep their heads above water...
The climate crisis disproportionately affects women. That’s a fact. Report after report finds that gender plays a significant role in this crisis, with 80% of those displaced being women, and women being 14 times more likely to die during a climate disaster. At the...
Renewable energy is key to ending our dependency on fossil fuels. The materials needed to make solar panels, electric car batteries, windmills and other green energy technologies, however, are often extracted without considering their impact on surrounding...
‘De toekomst is metaal,’ vertelt Gerard Barron, CEO van Deep Green Resources, potentiële investeerders. Zijn bedrijf ontwikkelt manieren om mangaanknollen van de oceaanbodem naar boven te halen. Dit kan, claimt hij, de deur openen naar een duurzame planeet. Volgens...