Dienstmededeling: Dit is zijn voorlaatste blog op OneWorld, vanaf 4 april verschijnt De Week in Tweets als nieuwsbrief. Je abonneert je hier.
Unilever… — @LucZeebroek in @nrc pic.twitter.com/Ku5K4sU7Ik
— Robert Went (@went1955) March 16, 2018
Vertrouwen en de ING-man van 3 miljoen
'De vertrouwenscrisis beweegt zich van de lage naar hogere klassen' — Mooi interview met socioloog en WRR-collega Godfried Engbersen in het FD https://t.co/8gkpmqdzUO pic.twitter.com/1rfkCrK72w
— Robert Went (@went1955) March 17, 2018
Facebook schandaal
Should we all just leave Facebook? That may sound attractive but it is not a viable solution. In many countries, Facebook and its products simply are the internet — @zeynep https://t.co/qAqioc4C7P
— Robert Went (@went1955) March 20, 2018
I worked at Facebook. I know how Cambridge Analytica could have happened. The only solution is external oversight https://t.co/92Y5UawIxC
— Robert Went (@went1955) March 21, 2018
The old saying about the internet looks more apt all the time: if the service costs you nothing, you are the product. The cost to society of “free” platforms for staying in touch and staying informed is becoming clear https://t.co/EbBtMkJrzm
— Robert Went (@went1955) March 20, 2018
Anders globaliseren
The Distribution of Gains from Globalization — IMF paper — https://t.co/nAlml7I6mE (via @rodrikdani) pic.twitter.com/jgUbiUrKu6
— Robert Went (@went1955) March 14, 2018
En wat suggereert het IMF? Zonder betere inkomensherverdeling werkt globalisering in het Westen eigenlijk niet — @MaartenSchinkel https://t.co/iCMDOUuwGa
— Robert Went (@went1955) March 17, 2018
‘Bijsturen kan en gebeurt ook’ — Mijn essay in S&D over de toekomst van globalisering — https://t.co/70yRUwcox7 pic.twitter.com/WPpkzEKyX8
— Robert Went (@went1955) March 17, 2018
The dangers of denying the downsides to globalization — Jared Bernstein https://t.co/frWTFrXrfC
— Robert Went (@went1955) March 19, 2018
De Noorse economie en de staat
The state owns 76% of Norway’s non-home wealth: at minimum Norway proves that it is possible to mix high levels of state ownership with a high degree of prosperity https://t.co/lQEztaQ9UT
— Robert Went (@went1955) March 18, 2018
De drie crises van de liberale democratie
The three crises of liberal democracy: We now swim in dangerous waters, and we can no longer take the persistence of liberal democracy for granted https://t.co/87jpvAm9xN
— Robert Went (@went1955) March 18, 2018
De stad is niet meer van iedereen
How the financial crash made our cities unaffordable: Since 2008, property markets in the world’s major cities have ‘synchronised’ and left nations and citizens behind https://t.co/K1sXXeTu7r
— Robert Went (@went1955) March 16, 2018
Cities only work if they accommodate rich and poor: Housing costs are forcing essential workers to live far from jobs in the centre — @sarahoconnor_ on the “suburbanisation of poverty” https://t.co/C4JAoGJmjE
— Robert Went (@went1955) March 20, 2018
Nieuwe filosofie
New philosophy… pic.twitter.com/dX638BPMuF
— Robert Went (@went1955) March 17, 2018
The Billionaire Philanthropist: Jeff Bezos and his peers would do more for the world by paying appropriate tax amounts instead of making pittance donations https://t.co/fRhMx4z47K
— Robert Went (@went1955) March 16, 2018
De robot-apocalypse is nog niet nabij
Our digital utopia will not arrive unaided. We need a more ethical approach to engineering technology, that integrates constitutional, cultural, and moral norms and values into artificial and autonomous systems — @DirkHelbing https://t.co/2hhA5r31Gn
— Robert Went (@went1955) March 15, 2018
Stephen Hawking on the robot takeover and the distibution of wealth from automation — https://t.co/pozaIDBUM8 (ht @erikbryn) pic.twitter.com/P3vsOc132R
— Robert Went (@went1955) March 15, 2018
FedEx follows Amazon into the robotic future: A robot might take your role, but not necessarily your job https://t.co/OcO4B3mpU4
— Robert Went (@went1955) March 19, 2018
Trumps handelsoorlog
Most Americans produce services, not stuff. Trump ignores that in talking about trade: The share of global spending that went toward services rather than goods rose from 50% in 1970 to 80% in 2015 https://t.co/7lqEuMTOaw
— Robert Went (@went1955) March 17, 2018
In a trade war Germany is the weakest link: Steel tariffs are a side show, extra duty on car exports could devastate the EU — Wolfgang Münchau https://t.co/Wa2vCPw0FD
— Robert Went (@went1955) March 19, 2018
A billionaire and a nurse shouldn’t pay the same fine for speeding: The progressive fine is an idea whose time may finally have come https://t.co/lYaj0h8eo2
— Robert Went (@went1955) March 16, 2018
Goed nieuws: 'De Week in Tweets' gaat door…
Abonnees op de huidige wekelijkse email-melding van OneWorld worden automatisch naar de nieuwe nieuwsbrief overgezet (je kunt natuurlijk altijd opzeggen). Wie nog geen abonnee is, kan zich hier aanmelden. Komende woensdag verschijnt mijn laatste Week in Tweets op Oneworld, en op 4 april krijg je De Week in Tweets #194 dan voor het eerst als nieuwsbrief in je mail. Je kunt ook deze RSS-link in je feed reader zetten, daar komt elke editie in.
Mijn eigen website blijft overigens gewoon in de lucht, die vind je hier.
Vier jaar geleden maakte ik mijn eerste ‘Week in Tweets’ https://t.co/54GuFjc6T4 voor @oneworldnl en morgen verschijnt de voorlaatste, omdat OneWorld de blogs stopt. Op 4 april volgt de doorstart als nieuwsbrief op Revu: abonneren kan vanaf nu hier https://t.co/GMWDofDwDA
— Robert Went (@went1955) March 20, 2018
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