The drought has been severe across the country, but especially in the South – central regions notably in Hiran, Galgadud, Middle and Lower Shabelle, Bay, Bakol and Gedo mostly in areas where HIRDA is active.
The agricultural belts in the Juba Corridor have been affected reducing the country’s agricultural out and increasing food imports.
Transporters have been hit by the fuel prices, taxes imposed by warring parts and the growing insecurity and proliferation of checkpoints manned by armed insurgents, ‘government’ soldiers.
This means food that reaches remote towns and villages is usually priced above the means of the poor, the consequence being a dramatic increase in malnutrition across the country. “Somalia is the world’s second largest humanitarian crisis, and one of the most politically complex. Due to a confluence of the nineteen years of conflict, droughts, escalating violence, higher priced-fuel and inflation, aid agencies and workers cannot mount effective operations. This is basically due to the level of insecurity and the recent targeted assassinations against aid workers” .
The drought in central Somalia is threatening the livelihoods of more than 700,000 pastoralists and a large number of urban households whose income and food sources were linked to livestock marketing and trade. Emergency livelihood assistance is required in order to prevent a severe deterioration of the food security situation in in these regions.
In conflict hotspots such as South-central Somalia the mass displacement of civilians, mainly women and children is un-abated. Many families moved to UN refugee camps in Kenya for survival taking the school children with them and therefore increasing the school drop outs. According to OCHA field reports, there is increasing number of Somalis crossing the border. The displaced have fled mainly into the interior of the country where they lack access to food, clean water and basic health care, livelihoods and support networks. IDPs are the most vulnerable populations in any humanitarian emergency. Over 700,000 people out of the population of perhaps 6 million in south-central Somalia have been forced to flee their homes .
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