Artikelen van Stichting Netherlands International Cooperation Collection (NICC)

Global Citizenship

The NICC Foundation has started a new project 'Global Citizenship'.

INVITATION Webinar; Rural water supply - handpumps

Time: Tuesday 20 Oktober 2020, 11:00 to 11:45 am CET A large part of the rural water supply in developing countries has been and still is with handpumps. What were developments in the past 50 years and what are lessons learned? Join, glance through the history of handpumps with a bird’s eye view and exchange […]

Evenementen van Stichting Netherlands International Cooperation Collection (NICC)

Stichting NICC: "Seeing Development Through Generations: Gender, Photography & Dialogue"

Building on our previous webinar in November 2024, where Robin Hids explored the evolving language of development cooperation, we now turn our attention to the importance of (gender)terminology and how glossaries and terminologies are always evolving, never a finished project. We will present our updated Gender Glossary and reflect on the dynamics that can determine […]

Stiching NICC: Explore History, 75 years of His-(Her/Their) Story on Dutch International Development Cooperation

On 18 November 2024, Stichting NICC hosts the webinar Explore History, 75 years of His-(Her/Their) Story on Dutch International Development Cooperation. This webinar concerns 75 years of history on Dutch international development cooperation. During this event, seven researchers will share research findings and preliminary conclusions of research funded by the NOT-fund. Afterwards, participants of the […]

75 Years OS - NICC World Water Day Event, 22nd of March 2024, IHE Institute for Water Education,Delft

NICC documents Dutch development cooperation (OS), as implemented over the years by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Historical developments and trends in a number of areas are documented in thematic and country timelines. October 2024 will mark 75 years of Dutch development cooperation policy. In the run-up to this milestone, NICC organized a kick-off event […]

Kick-off naar 75 jaar Internationale (ontwikkelings)samenwerking

Kick-off naar 75 jaar ontwikkelingssamenwerking. Wat deden we daar en wat vraagt de toekomst? NICC Event 2 oktober 14.30 – 18.00, Nationaal Archief, Prins Willem-Alexanderhof 20. 2585 BE Den Haag Uitnodiging voor event: Kick-off naar 75 jaar ontwikkelingssamenwerking Wie? Deelnemers: een mix van ervaringsdeskundigen en young professionals op het gebied van internationale samenwerking, waaronder hopelijk jij! Wat? Paneldiscussies, presentaties, […]