This database directory has two purposes. The first is to facilitate the structural inclusion of the skilled African diaspora in the development cooperation sector for the benefit of Africa. The second purpose is to demonstrate concretely the development potential of the African diaspora organisations in the Netherlands, and the added value they could provide into the efforts geared towards the reduction of poverty and achieving the Millennium Development Goals in their respective homelands in Africa. This is to encourage Diaspora organisations and the mainstream development agencies to initiate joint pilot projects in both the host and home countries in order to build up a viable working relationship through practice. Initiating joint pilot projects can bring the two development sectors much closer together than is now the case.
To access the African Diaspora Skills Database, please refer to the link below:
African diaspora professionals and organistions can register via the link below:
For more information about the African Diaspora Skills Database, please contact Sarah Osman by email: or by telephone: 020 70 77 851.