Committed to contribute to the sustainable development goals as an organisation or an individual? Then join our AMID community via one of our unique education programs!
Get the best young talent to strengthen your team and organisation via AMID Young Professional. The 23rd year of this programme will start in February 2021. Interested? You can send us an e-mail via amid@ru.nl or you can find more information on our website.
Or participate in our new AMID Masterclasses series! There are still some spots left. During 9 masterclasses (in Dutch) starting in September, participants gain an understanding of key dilemmas and identify strategic opportunities for their organisation. For more information and registration have a look at our website.
AMID (the Advanced Master in International Development) is bridging academia and practice in the field of international cooperation. AMID aims to capacitate, facilitate and inspire both young and more seasoned professionals in their role as change agent by offering: AMID Young Professional & AMID Masterclasses.
Radboud Centrum Sociale Wetenschappen