CEDLA-UvA Master Latin American Studies
The CEDLA-UvA Master Latin American Studies offers a multi-disciplinary Master of Arts programme in Latin American Studies, and is given in English. The programme lasts 15 months and earns 75 European credits.
The CEDLA’s Master Latin American Studies offers you an international and research-driven programme of 15 months. It deals with societal transformations in the region from a multidisciplinary and social-science perspective. It provides critical knowledge, academic skills and in-depth understanding of the academic literature. You are trained to become an autonomous researcher who can work in new, unknown circumstances according to all standards of scholarships in the social sciences and humanities.
The programme is research-driven. You develop your own research plan and conduct a three-months’ fieldwork in the region. You follow mandatory courses, but you have also free space to fill with a tutorial, an elective or an external course. This helps you to develop yourself in your own direction, benefit from earlier experiences and become an expert in a certain field/region/country. This intensive and multidisciplinary programme attracts students from all over the world, so you will participate in an international classroom and community.
CEDLA, Centrum voor Studie en Documentatie van Latijns-Amerika