Circa 90 Maoïsten belagen de ITWAN bestuurders afgelopen week. Bidur Khaki, algemeen secretaris van de bond, raakt 16 oktober ernstig gewond. Andere bestuurders zijn gekidnapt. Geld en andere bezittingen van de onafhankelijke vakbond GEFONT zijn gestolen.
Riksja-rijders en tapijtknopers bedreigd
Kort daarvoor 14 oktober is ook al de leider van de vakbond van riksjarijders gekidnapt. En in de tapijt- en de hotelsector bedreigen maoïsten de leden van de onafhankelijke vakbond.
Moeizame vredesbesprekingen
In Nepal woedt al sinds 1996 een burgeroorlog. In april is er een staakt-het-vuren bereikt. Sindsdien is er een moeizaam vredesoverleg tussen de 7 regeringspartijen en de maoïstische rebellen. Het geweld deze week laat helaas zien dat vakbondswerk nog steeds heel riskant is. Dat belemmert cao-onderhandelingen en vrije organisatie van werknemers. Terwijl de regering van Nepal het recht daarop wel heeft erkend.
De 3 democratische vakcentrales in Nepal, NTUC, GEFONT en DECONT roepen de maoïstische bonden op tot onderhandelingen.
En ze vragen uw steun. Doe mee en stuur een protestbrief aan de Nepalese regering.
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5. Of mail naar de ambassade van Nepal:
5. Bedankt! Namens de vakbondsmensen in Nepal.
Mr. Girija Prasad Koirala, Hon. Prime Minister
The Office of the Prime Minister
Fax 00 977-1-227286
Mail via:
The Netherlands, (Datum) october 2006
Dear Prime Minister,
Hereby I would like to protest at Maoist attacks on leaders of the General Federation of Nepalese Trade Unions (GEFONT).
I have been informed that Maoist union members attacked leaders of the Independent Transport Workers Association of Nepal (ITWAN-GEFONT) on 16 October 2006 in order to prevent them from collecting union dues.
When ITWAN leaders started the collection, about 90 Maoist union members suddenly violently attacked them. As a result Bidur Karki, Secretary of the Department of Education of GEFONT and the Central Committee General Secretary of ITWAN was seriously injured. Many others were kidnapped or injured. Among them were Deepak Poudel, NEC member and Bagmati Zonal chief, Naran Nath Luintel Bagmati NEC member & CUPPEC secretary, Thakur Shrestha Zonal Committee member, Balgopal Thapa Joint Secretary of Central Committee of the Independent Press Union (IPWUN-GEFONT), Ms. Kripa Karki Central Committee member, Ms. Sunita Bidhathoki Central Committee member of Nepal Independent Hotel Workers Union, Gayatri Niroula, Rameshwar Dhungana, Khem Dahal and Govinda Magar all NEST-GEFONT members. The Maoists also took money and other belongings from the GEFONT leaders.
I would like to join the three national trade union centres NTUC, GEFONT and DECONT in calling on the Maoist unions to follow democratic rules and enter into negotiation, as Maoists have already done in the process of forming a Constituent Assembly to create a new foundation for a democratic Nepal.
Furthermore I would like to stress that it is impossible for trade unions to exercise their right to freedom of association and collective bargaining in a climate of violence and serious risk to their personal security. The Government of Nepal is under an obligation to respect these core labour standards, by virtue of its membership of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), and provide a safe environment for trade unions to operate in.
Finally I urge you to order an independent investigation into the latest attack by Maoist unions and to commit your government to preventing similar attacks in the future.
Sincerely yours,
(uw handtekening, naam en adres)