Ervaren gender equality professional
  • Den Haag, Nederland
  • 15 juni 2022

Flexible, pro-active individual motivated by striving for gender equality as a goal in itself and as a means to promote sexual and reproductive health and rights and end gender-based violence. Experienced in gender analysis, youth engagement, capacity building, technical advising, guideline and tool development, training curricula development and training facilitation, coordination, project management, and project implementation.

In addition to global and regional work, I have project experience in/with Afghanistan, Bahamas, Botswana, Egypt, India, Iraq, Lithuania, Moldova, Namibia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Syria, Uganda, and Zambia.



Rapid Gender Analysis in Emergencies - training @ Care International & Geneva Learning Foundation
jul 2020 — sep 2020

8 weeks virtual training

PRINCE2 foundation and practitioner @ Knowledge academy
apr 2019 — apr 2019

5 day training and certification exams in PRINCE 2 foundation and practitioner

Professional Development Programme for Gender Trainers @ KIT Royal tropical Institute & UN Women training centre
okt 2017 — apr 2018

6 month blended learning programme for gender trainers to strengthen knowledge and skills in feminist pedagogy and gender and development

Researching Gender-Based Violence: Methods and Meaning @ London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
feb 2017 — feb 2017

5 day workshop on research methods and ethics on research focused on gender-based violence

Implementing Organizational Change: Practical techniques and approaches for gender specialists @ University of East Anglia
jan 2011 — jan 2011

5 day training on gender mainstreaming

MA Gender analysis of International Development @ University of East Anglia
sep 2010 — aug 2011

· Thesis: “Violence as a public health issue: ‘corrective’ rape in South Africa”

BA Social Sciences (honours) @ Maastricht University/ University of Botswana
sep 2006 — jul 2009

· Concentration: Sociology, Psychology, Human Rights
· Thesis: “’But I trust my partner’: The psychological determinants of unsafe sexual behaviour amongst Dutch heterosexual adolescents”.
· Semester abroad at the University of Botswana with a focus on HIV and AIDS related courses - 2008


Consultant gender, SRHR, GBV @ Megin consulting
jul 2019 — Huidig

Technical advising and capacity building in the field of gender equality, and prevention and response to gender-based violence (GBV) and sexual exploitation and abuse. Assignments for various international organizations.

· Capacity building: Advising on the development of an e-Learning programme and virtual training curricula on responding to gender-based violence; facilitating workshop series on gender equality and the prevention of gender-based violence; set up and facilitate virtual interactive trainings and seminars on gender-based violence.

· Technical advising: Advising on policy and guideline development and contextualisation of global guidelines; advising on the development of action plans; developing information materials on the GBV response in the context of COVID-19

· Assessments: Setting up assessments around sexual exploitation and abuse, and assessments to determine lessons learned from projects implemented, technical review of documents on GBV and human trafficking.

Technical Officer @ World Health Organization
mrt 2015 — jun 2019

· Technical support: Reviewed existing national protocols, SOPs and guidelines and provided technical advice for alignment with WHO guidelines for the health sector response to violence against women (VAW). Provided technical support to ministries of health, country offices and other partners for the implementation and monitoring of the implementation of the clinical guidelines and handbooks for a health sector response to VAW. Trained health care providers globally on gender, VAW and the multisectoral response to VAW.
· Learning materials development: Developed training materials, co-developed a curriculum for the health sector response to VAW, contributed to the updating of an eLearning programme based on the clinical management of rape used in emergency settings, and managed the development of an eLearning programme on the health sector response to VAW.
· Strategizing: Contributed to the development of the global plan of action for the health sector response to VAW.
· Guideline development: Managed the development of clinical guidelines for health care providers responding to sexual abuse of children and adolescents. Organised expert meetings for the evidence review for these guidelines, oversaw the process of systematic reviews carried out for the guidelines and co-authored these guidelines. Contributed to the update of the WHO/UNFPA/UNHCR clinical management of rape and intimate partner violence survivors.
· Communication: Developed, in cooperation with communication specialists, information and advocacy materials to raise awareness among policy makers of the causes and consequences of VAW and how the health sector can respond.
· Represent the organisation: Represented the organisation and acted as WHO’s resources person at various meetings and conferences.
· Gender analysis: Performed gender analysis of projects for other departments and advised on gender sensitisation of these projects.

Trainer @ Philadelphia zorg
jun 2014 — feb 2015

· Training: trained managers and social support workers on organizational changes and systems facilitating the changes.
· Learning materials Development: Developed training materials for an e-learning programme on the above changes.

Consultant researcher @ ICF consulting
apr 2014 — okt 2014

· Research: Identified and extracted Dutch administrative data, and Dutch and Flemish surveys and action plans on gender-based violence (GBV) for an EU-wide study carried out by the European Institute for Gender Equality.

Health information officer (parental leave coverage @ World Cancer Research fund
mrt 2014 — jun 2014

· Communication: Managed the development of newsletters aimed at health promotion, managed the maintenance and content development for a children's website aimed at health promotion, and developed child-focused education materials.

Training expert (volunteer) @ CHOICE for youth and sexuality
feb 2014 — mrt 2015

· Capacity building: Led the capacity building cluster for external trainings for partner organisations. Prepared for trainings, supported other trainers in developing their sessions, did evaluations with the trainers and facilitated trainings on girls’ empowerment, SRHR, project management, and advocacy.

project coordinator/workshop facilitator @ Lithuanian Gay League
jul 2013 — jan 2014

· Project development and implementation: Developed and implemented the project 'Closet Monologues' for which I set up and facilitated a series of workshops working on LGBT identity, self-reflection and empowerment using methods of Theatre of the Oppressed.

Gender-based violence trainee @ European Institute for Gender Equality
jun 2013 — dec 2013

· Strategising: Drafted the mid and long-term working plan of the organisation in the field of addressing GBV. Organised high-level meetings with external experts on this plan. Organised a conference on gender-based violence together with WHO/Europe and the city of Vienna.
· Communication: Provided technical inputs for communication materials on GBV. Drafted concept notes, press releases and reports.

Capacity building consultant @ International Organization for Migration Moldova
jan 2013 — mrt 2013

· Capacity building: Built capacity of the staff of IOM's partner organisation Centre for assistance and protection for victims and potential victims of trafficking in human beings. Coordinated the collaboration between NGOs and developed a joint project proposal.

Programme assistant (protection and prevention) @ International Organization for Migration Moldova
dec 2011 — dec 2012

· Project management: Developed project proposals, wrote project briefs, and project reports for projects providing services for survivors of human trafficking and intimate partner violence, and pro-active prevention projects.
· Communication: Wrote fact sheets, responded to internal and external information requests.
· Partner relations: Advised partner NGOs in developing project proposals and project reports. Liaised with UN country team agencies to develop joint projects. Advised on gender equality law and policy amendments together with partner organisations.
· Analysis: Produced profiles of (potential) victims of human trafficking based on data gathered from survivors assisted throughout the country for purposes of pro-active prevention through outreach work with multi-disciplinary teams. Performed gender analysis and made projects gender responsive during their development stage.

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