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Resultaten voor " content/legbank "

The Rights of Indigenous People and Women in Mexico

…exploitation has led to discontent in those indigenous communities where the government has granted permissions for exploitation to international companies without respecting the right of these communities to be consulted…

CSD starts sharing security documents

…share it’s content on You can join the website in order to share your content for the benefit of other NGOs. The site will also facilitate the development of new documents…

Uitdagend Maatschappelijk

…Website: Inschrijven: Wij hopen u te mogen ontmoeten. Met vriendelijke groet, Bas Gadiot & Diane Bos Programmaleiders & Trainers Critical Mass / 030-2714956 Website: Inschrijven:…

El quinto piso, 1

…symbols for a deep feeling of discontent. They are fed up with the ‘old’ politics. Their demands are not necessarily left- or rightwing; they want change. They reject the ideas…